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About us - Ruben diamond tools

We have been manufacturing tools since 1975. To our traditional production we have joined PCD and CBN diamond applications on standard inserts, and a manufacture of braze-welded diamond tools. Our long experience along with the use of new technologies has enabled us to create PCD diamond tools specific for no-stick pans, that are now well-known in Italy and throughout the world. By matching hardness characteristics of extra-abrasives to high mechanical resistance of tunsten carbide, tools with PCD and CBN plates have been so designed to ensure even cutting wear-proof edges resistant to abrasion.


Ruben Tools diamond tools in PCD and CBN


A trend to use PCD and CBN tools in machinings more and more with regards to traditional materials, has led to notable advantages as far as performance and efficiency, since these tools keep their sharpness and work for a whole production cycle efficiently, even if very long: that means, they seldom need replacing.


Ruben Tools diamond tools in PCD and CBN

Ruben Team

Giuliano Benini Founder
Giuliano BENINI Founder